Archive News 2020
December 2020
28 December – Tailwinds of 2020
Some reflections on the year just gone by from a Wind Propulsion perspective.
Tailwinds of 2020 | Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
27 December – Decarbonising short-sea shipping: Tyndall Centre proposal
The Tyndall Centre are looking for stakeholders interested in engaging with their new project: tackling the committed CO2 emissions from short-sea shipping.
The Tyndall Centre’s recent research on the CO2 locked into the existing EU fleet demonstrates the importance of targeting carbon mitigation at existing ships (Bullock et al. 2020). This new project aims to tackle this by articulating the suite of technologies, propulsion systems and operational practices that offer the most rapid, far-reaching, economic and sustainable route to decarbonisation for the existing short-sea shipping fleet. Critical to the success of this project will be stakeholder engagement and support. The Tyndall Centre are therefore seeking stakeholder partners who may be interested in providing any level of participation, such as participation in workshops, expertise exchange or data provision. In return, stakeholders would have participation and influence in the discussion of policy recommendations and direct access to researchers focusing on the decarbonisation agenda within the Tyndall Centre.
If you would like to engage with the research program or would like additional information, please contact: James Mason
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
22 December: Launch of the International Windship Association Youtube channel – the channel will feature the Listening to the Wind: Weekly Interview Series, which has IWSA members and leading experts in the field of wind propulsion sitting down with the IWSA Secretary General to discuss their projects, developments in the wind propulsion sector and insights into current shipping decarbonisation efforts.
We kick off the Listening to the Wind series with a sit down with Norsepower Oy CEO Tuomas Riski to hear more about their rotor sail solutions, the momentum that is building for wind-assist and the development of this technology going forward. Watch Here
16 December: Press Release: Norsepower, has announced its first newbuild order for the installation of five tilting rotor sails onboard a large bulk carrier. The name of the customer has not yet been released, but the vessel is expected to be delivered in 2021
Norsepower secures debut rotor sail newbuild order – Splash247
10 December: Press release: “MOL, Tohoku Electric Power Sign Deal for Transport
Using Coal Carrier Equipped with Hard Sail Wind Power
Propulsion System (Wind Challenger)”
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. has announced that the build will be undertaken by Oshima Shipbuilding eyeing 2022 for launching the vessel.
07 December: A Critical Call for Action on the 5th Anniversary of the Paris Agreement and in the light of COVID19 and the necessity to build a renewable energy based recovery. The Call for Action is from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and is signed by 100 leading renewable energy organisations from around the world, including the IWSA.
If you agree with IRENA’s message, and if you agree with our specific statement below regarding shipping, please circulate the link to decision makers nationally and internationally
“In the shipping industry, COVID-19 has given us reason to urgently re-evaluate our pathway forward towards full decarbonisation and to facilitate a sustainable, resilient recovery. A wind propulsion and renewable energy derived fuel mix can deliver that, but that requires policies which shift our focus towards all forms of renewable energy for propulsion, enabling us use the remaining depleted carbon budget to generate a swift, workable, economically regenerative transition of shipping within a 1.5C constrained future”
Download: PDF Press Release CfA Call to Action 2.0 Press Release – 07Dec2020
07 December: Press Release: JAS Hennessey tie up with Neoline to transport 4 million bottles per year between Montoir de Bretagne (France) and Baltimore (USA) starting in 2023.
“Maritime shipments have always been the determining factor in the development of Hennessy.
We want to ensure the sustainability of our business on every level, from the vine to the glass The
innovative and planet-friendly solutions developed by NEOLINE, resonate with the adventurous
DNA of the company and will allow us to significantly reduce our atmospheric emissions and work
to protect biodiversity.” LAURENT BOILLOT, President of Jas Hennessy & Co
01 December: Article in Forbes Magazine: A New Golden Age Of Sailing Is Here: Where Is The Leadership? A New Golden Age Of Sailing Is Here: Where Is The Leadership? (
“Wind is about to make a big comeback in shipping. New ship designs being experimented with that include a combination of hard sails, rotating cylinders, kites and bubbles underneath the hull show just how radically different large, ocean bound ships could look by 2030.”
01 December: Press release: Wind assisted container barge tested out
Last week TMA Logistics did a test on container barge using wind propulsion. Using a containerised version of the Ventifoil from eConowind the Ms Royaal tested the system on the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea, between Harlingen and Amsterdam, a location ideal for testing the technology. The test yielded a fuel saving of 10% Wind assisted container barge tested out – SAFETY4SEA
November 2020
30 November: Press release: “Wind Hunter Project” Starts Zero-Emission Project with Wind Propulsion and Hydrogen
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced that it has joined a wide-ranging corporate-academic partnership in a zero-emission initiative called the “Wind Hunter Project,” seeking new applications for hydrogen fuel and wind power.
“Wind Hunter Project” Starts -Zero-Emission Project with Wind Propulsion and Hydrogen- (
30 November: Enkhuizen Nautical College Sets Course for Wind-Assisted Ship Propulsion and Sustainable Shipping
Invited presentations and seminars will be conducted by the International Windship Association and partners involved with the Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) project, part of the EU Interreg North Sea region program. The course is integrated into the regular ‘Grote Zeilvaart’ education program but is also accessible for those interested in learning about these new technologies. The course will be given on two Fridays and three Saturdays between February 19th and March 3rd, 2021. As places in the classroom are limited (due to Corona measures), the course will also be offered online. For more information, please visit or mail
27 November: Anemoi are partnering with Lloyd’s Register and SDARI ship design to create AiP certified Rotor Sail vessel designs.
Anemoi Marine Technologies (Anemoi) has signed a joint development project (JDP) with Lloyd’s Register (LR) and Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute (SDARI) to develop a series of new energy efficient vessel designs equipped with Rotor Sails. By bringing together the original equipment manufacturer, designer, regulator and shipowner, we’re breaking down potential barriers and forming a path for the commercial success of installed Rotor Sail technology onboard ships. Proposed ship types include 85,000 and 210,000 DWT bulk carriers, a 325,000 DWT very large ore carrier (VLOC), a 114,000 DWT aframax tanker, a 50,000 DWT MR tanker and a very large crude carrier (VLCC).
19 November – WWEA General Assembly – Very pleased to attend and give an IWSA update to the General Assembly of our partner organisation World Wind Energy Association. It is always inspiring to be around such a pioneering group and to learn more about the developments in the wind energy markets around the world and understand the process and drivers for scaling in the renewable energy markets, lessons that will be applied as wind propulsion scales significantly in the next few years.
18 November – IWSA presentation & panel discussion – IMO MTCC Caribbean Webinar Series: “Capacity Building for Climate Mitigation in the Maritime Shipping Industry” 1-3pm local time
17 November – Wind Technologies for Cleaner Shipping: EU Interreg WASP project releases their Policy brief directed at IMO and EU representatives and focused primarily on the policy instruments and revisions needed for the delivery of retrofit and wind-assist technologies into the market. Download
11 November – International Chamber of Shipping report ‘Catalysing the Fourth Propulsion Revolution’.
Very pleased to see the front cover of the latest International Chamber of Shipping report ‘Catalysing the Fourth Propulsion Revolution’ featuring the Wallenius Marine Oceanbird project.
We agree with the report conclusion that there is a lot of decarbonisation work to do over the coming decade and beyond and the cost will be substantial to bring alternative fuels on line.
It is excellent to see the focus on ‘a propulsion revolution’ and not just a ‘fuel revolution. Direct wind-assist and primary wind propulsion are included in this overview (page 18), and of course we agree that wind systems are an integral part of the decarbonisation pathway forward and systems will be optimised in time and will give increased amounts of energy as those are developed further. (IWSA figures are retrofits can deliver 5-20% today, with potential for 30% as those are optimised. For primary wind new builds those numbers are far higher, especially when combined with weather routing, speed or power modifications etc.)
The report is released as part of ICS push for the proposed $5 billion innovation fund at IMO, and the R&D funding for wind propulsion systems that can be deployed quickly, without additional infrastructure and with energy available worldwide, offer the lowest of the low hanging fruit when it comes to shipping decarbonisation efforts. Download the report
DEADLINE EXTENSION – The deadline for abstracts has been extended to 20 November for the Wind Propulsion 2021 conference, 16-17 February 2021 to be held at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects UK headquarters in association with IWSA. Download Wind Propulsion 2021 – CALL FOR PAPERS
For a list of the 2019 presentations, check the last conference programme: Wind Propulsion 2019 Programme
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, then please contact RINA or IWSA directly to discuss that. For more information
06 November – New Registered Supporter – IWSA is very pleased to welcome the Falls of Clyde International
05 November – Press Release – The Winds of Decarbonisation are Strengthening: Tharsis Sea-River Shipping, signs contract with eConowind and NG shipyard for new Wind-Assist Installation
IWSA Newsletters – the new IWSA October newsletter will soon be available, if you would like to register for a copy, please send an email to
If you would like to read about the past progress in the wind propulsion as a sector, with technology updates, project development news and articles and research, the last two public newsletters from December 2019 and April 2020 are now available to download.
IWSA April 2020 Newsletter – SUMMARY
IWSA Dec 2019 Newsletter – SUMMARY
October 2020
29 October – Announcement: Anemoi Marine Technologies to collaborate with Wärtsilä in future sales of Rotor Sail solutions. The technology group Wärtsilä has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) tied to a License and Cooperation agreement with UK-based Anemoi Marine Technologies for the future sales and servicing of Rotor Sail solutions to the shipping industry.
Press Release
28 October: Announcement: Congratulations to BAR Technologies, Deltamarin and Cargill on the announcement of their collaboration to deliver wind-assisted tanker and bulker vessels starting in 2022.
Press Release – Cargill and BAR Technologies combine world-class yacht racing design and technology using wind propulsion to reduce carbon emissions.
Promotional Video – Watch
STEERER (Structuring Towards Zero Emission Waterborne Transport)
IWSA is very pleased to see that our engagement and the engagement of IWSA members and supporters has ensured that the STEERER project has been able to evaluate wind propulsion and that wind-assist and primary wind propulsion are included at the heart of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the co-programmed Partnership zero-emission waterborne transport which has been developed by the Waterborne TP and is nearing finalisation. This Agenda lays down the research and innovation strategy, the implementation pathways for different segments of the waterborne transport sector, and the activities foreseen to be able to achieve the Partnerships objectives. The draft SRIA was published for an open consultation in July/August and invited all interested stakeholders to contribute with comments. This feedback (the report from the open public consultation) and the revised draft SRIA, which incorporates comments from this consultation, are now available online.
Announcement: IWSA is delighted to announce that we are now members of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Coalition for Action – we look forward to contributing our unique perspective on the drive to decarbonise through renewable energy development and the place that direct energy use has in the transformation of the shipping transport sector.
Coalition Vision and Mission Statement: The world’s transition to renewable energy sources is a defining trend of our time. It requires fundamental transformation in the supply, distribution, consumption, and management of energy. While substantial growth in renewable energy deployment is already taking place, the global energy transition is of such scale and pace that a significant level of international collaboration is required to succeed. The vision of the IRENA Coalition for Action is for its members to work together to advance renewable energy in order to drive the global energy transition in line with the Sustainable Development Goal on energy.
The Coalition forms a key international network to discuss and determine action on renewable energy industry trends, share knowledge, and exchange best practices for the global energy transformation. The mission of the IRENA Coalition for Action is to convene a global dialogue amongst nongovernmental and governmental stakeholders to develop actions to drive the energy transition forward by increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix.
The Coalition brings together private sector entities, industry associations, the investment community, intergovernmental organisations, civil society, and research institutes to enrich and share perspectives on renewable energy technologies, implementation strategies and evolving market dynamics.
For more details, please visit
28 October: Wind Propulsion: the next big thing, live interview with Diane Gilpin, Smart Green Shipping Alliance and Gavin Allwright, IWSA SG – 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Looking at issues of safety, crew capability, engineering, economic models etc. as part of the Connecting EC Insights conference
Register here
26 October: New Members – Very pleased to welcome a number of registered supporters to the association. We look forward to working together to help facilitate a wind propulsion future for commercial shipping worldwide.
Individual Supporters
Derian Boer(Research PhD Student, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)
Enric Julià Lluis (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Dougal Anderson (Port Jackson, Australia)
22 October: Nautical Institute Webinar: Gavin Allwright, IWSA SG presents the Nautical Institute Webinar at 10:00 BST (UK time) on Thursday, 22 October 2020. Title: Wind power: an exciting (new) energy source
“Wind propulsion systems were the original energy source for shipping, but advances in technology mean they are increasingly being viewed as a credible and viable solution for today’s maritime industry. A growing number of rigs are being installed on vessels and increasing numbers of technologies are being rolled out and new build projects announced.” Join us for an overview of industry developments, the wind propulsion technology basket, market opportunity and forecasts and the latest projects.
16 October – Small Vessel Publication – Call for Papers
This publication will bring together a wealth of experience, best practice and insights into projects, the ships, the wind propulsion technology, the trade and the business models that are making the sector grow. We expect that publication will likely be 100-150 pages long and available in downloadable pdf format. (potential for a print version or print-on-demand depending on level of interest after publication). While this publication will not be the definitive guide, we see it as a collection of essays/pieces on each of the subject areas and the publication will be updated every 12-18 months. Small vessel designation is currently designated nominally as under 1,000 GRT.
Call for Papers – Small Vessel Publication
13 October – New Members – We would like to warmly welcome three more new members and we are looking forward to working together over the coming years to further develop the wind propulsion segment.
NAOS Ship and Boat Design (Italy) – Full Member
Liebherr Components AG (Switzerland) – Associate Member
Berrens Maritime (Netherlands) – Registered Supporter
12 October – New Member – We would like to warmly welcome Wallenius Marine AB as a Full Member of the association. We look forward to working together over the coming years to further develop the wind propulsion segment.
Press Release – Wallenius Marine Joins IWSA – 12Oct2020
Short Introduction Video (10 Sept)
Life cycle analysis of Oceanbird project Download thesis
12-14 October – SHIPPINGInsight conference – We are delighted to be a Partner of SHIPPINGInsight 20/20- A Vision for the Decade. With a line up of over 100 speakers and 40 companies, SHIPPINGInsight promises to be a value-add opportunity for maritime professionals to gather (albeit virtually) to discuss and debate the vision for the decade. This is where fleet management meets maritime technology. In addition to IWSA speaking participation, we also have a virtual booth in SHIPPINGInsight’s Innovation Exhibition Hall. Please come visit us!
Shipowners, government representatives, students and educators receive complementary registration. You may register here! Please join us as the global maritime community gathers to make shipping more efficient, safer, modern and with lower environmental impacts.
Call for Papers for the Wind Propulsion 2021 conference, 16-17 February 2021 to be held at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects UK headquarters in association with IWSA. Download Wind Propulsion 2021 – CALL FOR PAPERS The deadline for abstracts is 02 November.
For a list of the 2019 presentations, check the last conference programme: Wind Propulsion 2019 Programme
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, then please contact RINA or IWSA directly to discuss that. For more information
Really looking forward to another quality and impactful event in February.
05 October – We are very pleased to have presented one of the opening presentations at The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference 2020 in Geneva, an “Overview of Wind Assisted Marine Projects” and to support this conference as official supporting organisation. IWSA members are also presenting at the conference, including: eConowind, Airseas, VPLP/AYRO, Blue Technology, D-ICE Engineering and eOdyn
Wind Propulsion Technology Developers Recruiting
*Naval Architect (based in London or Southampton)* – to lead the design of the integration of our Rotor Sails onto retrofit and new build ships. The suitable candidate will have an MSc in Naval Architecture and 5-7 years’ experience in the design process.
*Electrical & Controls Engineer (based in London or Southampton)* – to lead the electrical, control and software design for Anemoi Rotor Sail systems. The candidate should have a relevant degree and be working towards chartership. Previous experience of electro-mechanical design for marine systems and a sound understanding of vessel systems is required.
Please email your CVs to
Vous êtes passionné.e par le code informatique et ses mystères, tout en voulant contribuer à la protection de notre planète ? Rejoignez notre aventure en tant que developpeur de nos outils de simulation et de conception !
Are you passionate about computer code and its mysteries, while wanting to contribute to the protection of our planet? Join our adventure as developer of our simulation and design tools!
To start with, 3 offers for engineering positions :
> System Engineer –
> Mechatronics Engineer –
> Mechanical Engineer –
If you interested in working for the decarbonization of the maritime industry, email us at
AYRO recrute des ingénieurs !
Suite à nos récents développements (plus d’informations à venir prochainement), AYRO recrute de nouveaux talents pour rejoindre l’équipe !
Et pour commencer, pas un, pas deux, mais bien trois postes d’ingénieurs à pourvoir:
> Ingénieur Système –
> Ingénieur Mécatronique –
> Ingénieur Mécanique –
Si vous êtes intéressés par la décarbonisation du transport maritime, écrivez-nous à
Partagez le mot autour de vous, de nouvelles opportunités à venir très bientôt !
01 October – Very pleased for IWSA to help open the presentations with an overview of wind propulsion developments and the market growth at the Naples Shipping Week 2020 – GreenShipping summit.
September 2020
28 September – Bound4Blue featured in Forbes Magazine: Wingsail Technology Uses Wind To Reduce Ships’ Emissions By 30%
Carbon Levy Developments – The debate on carbon levies/taxes for shipping has moved on quite considerably this month. Both proposals explicitly encourage the return of the proceeds into the industry to further encourage decarbonisation technology R&D and deployment.
25 September – Trafigura Carbon Levy Proposal – Trafigura, one of the world’s largest ship charterers, proposes that the IMO introduce a carbon levy of between $250-$300 per tonne of CO2 equivalent on shipping fuels to boost decarbonisation efforts in the industry. This is the equivalent of $750-$900 per tonne of fuel (effectively quadrupling today’s price). They also propose a similar ringfencing of proceeds that would raise billions for R&D into alternative propulsion and assist small island developing states and other developing countries mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Download Proposal
15 September – EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – Inclusion of Shipping
The EU parliament has voted to include emissions from ships over 5,000 gross tonnes in the emissions trading system (EU ETS) by 1 January 2022. Parliament also wants firms to cut ships’ annual average CO2 emissions by more than 40pc by 2030. This will include the ring fencing of 50% of the proceeds to return to the industry in the form of decarbonisation innovation funding.
Interesting Fathom World Arronax Interviews with Jutta Paulus, the MEP driving Parliamentary proposal to have shipping join the EU ETS and increased efficiency mandates along with Adam Berman, EU Policy Head at the International Emissions Trading Association. These timely interviews were done just ahead of EU deliberations on this and with Parliament having now passed the proposal all eyes will be on how IMO reacts to that over the next couple of months as it get’s back to work on decarbonisation. There is always push back against any attempts at regional regulation in shipping, viewed by many in shipping as a global industry and therefore should only be regulated by the global body, the IMO. There is also clear acknowledgement that the current price of carbon is insufficient to drive decarbonisation, thus the EU has added efficiency mandate into the proposed measures too.
11 September – International Energy Agency (IEA) released their Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 report that estimates that zero-emission shipping will cost $6trn (out of total $21trn transport conversion). Concludes that biofuel blends and energy efficiency measures (including already available wind-assist technology) will be the most important components in the transition for at least the next decade and probably up to 2040.
The report does however again miss the huge potential for optimised wind-assist systems and new build primary wind vessels entering the fleet in the next couple of years. The impact of extensive penetration of wind propulsion systems across the fleet could reduce overall fuel requirements from 20-30% by 2050, this in turn will be enhanced by improved weather routing, speed adjustments and other operational measures etc. Wind will also have a facilitating role, where significantly reduced alternative fuel requirements will mean less onboard storage required, potentially less power required and thus lower cost installations for new fuel systems. Extending range for vessels using wind will also enable ship operators to bunker where these new and likely costly alternative fuel supplies are more abundant, thus potentially reducing costs further.
09 September – TOTAL eyes wind propulsion for next-generation LNG carriers (article)
Total will consider retrofitting the technology as it increases focus on environmental footprint – IWSA is very pleased to see further wind in the sails and momentum growing in the tanker and other fleets sectors.
08 September – Wallenius Marine unveils the Oceanbird car carrier design, [6,000 vehicles capacity] under development in Sweden by a group including the KTH Centre for Naval Architecture, SSPA and Wallenius Marine, with funding support from the Swedish govt through to 2022.
Short Introduction Video (10 Sept)
Worth reading the degree project from two Chalmers University of Technology students that analysed WM project from a life cycle perspective where you compare with other fuels! The result shows that green investments and the economy can go hand in hand towards a more sustainable future. The authors, Tobias Olsson and Josef Carlsson highlight that both total GHG emissions and operating costs can be significantly reduced by combining wind with modern ship construction. Download the thesis
Article – Wind Propulsion: A Breath of Fresh Air in the Delivery of Zero Emissions Vessels
This article appears in the September 2020 issue of EM Magazine, a copyrighted publication of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA;
Article PDF download Wind Propulsion – A Breath of Fresh Air in the Delivery of ZEVs – Sept 2020
There are quite a few other interesting articles in the magazine regarding ZEVs and three easy ways to access the full-length issue of EM:
- Via the A&WMA App: App-friendly interactive content, such as hyperlinks, pop-up windows, animations, and slideshows, will only be available via the app version. Download the app for free today:
- Via the online .pdf flipbook:
- Via the full-issue .pdf that can be downloaded to your desktop:
They also offer readers and contributors an easy option for print-on-demand through the online publisher Visit the A&WMA Storefront at and click on an issue of EM to order your personal printed copy that is delivered directly to your door.
09 September – Webinar: Renewable Transportation: Shipping and Aviation
Hosted by World Wind Energy Association In collaboration with the International Windship Association and the International Association for Sustainable Aviation
Time: Wed, 9 Sep 2020, 12:00-14:30 (CEST).
While the power sector in many countries is progressing well towards a full renewable energy supply and land based transportation is taking major steps away from fossil, fuels, two important areas have hardly been tackled: Aviation and Shipping. In order to achieve the goal of a climate neutral world and to shift human economic activities completely towards renewable energy, it is imperative that these two sectors be converted too. Although today almost all vessels and planes are fuelled with fossil fuel, very promising concepts are available with the potential of completely switching away from such fuels. This webinar will present the state of the art in aviation and shipping and will discuss actual and potential solutions. A special focus will be on how wind and other renewable sources can support these two difficult-to-abate transportation sectors in managing this transformation.
Presenters include:
– Gavin Allwright, IWSA – Wind Propulsion: Overview
– Ralf Nolting & Rudolf Doerpinghaus, IASA – Renewable energy in aviation
– Stefan Gsänger, WWEA – Wind Energy and Renewable Energy Worldwide
– (tbc) Dr. Harry Lehmann, German Federal Environment Agency UBA – Requirements for sustainable aviation and shipping
– Martial Claudepierre, Sustainable Shipping, Global Technology Leader, Bureau Veritas – Alternative/zero-emissions fuel developments in shipping
– Brian Boserup, CEO of Blue Technology (Denmark) – Zero-emissions vessel design incorporating wind, hydrogen, solar etc. – looking at a paradigm shift in shipping
– Renewable based shipping on inland waterways (tbc)
– Sam Bruce, CSIRO – Opportunities for hydrogen in commercial aviation
– Gero Rueter, Deutsche Welle – Comments on the role of flying in a world which is struggling for climate neutrality
Register for Free
02 September – IWSA presentation to Clean Cargo Working Group: overview presentation of wind propulsion developments, market opportunities and case studies of existing market ready technologies and new designs.
August 2020
31 August – Announcement – New Members – We are very pleased to welcome aboard new full member BAR Technologies from the UK and new associate member D-ICE Engineering from France.
BAR Technologies (UK) – a team of world leading naval architects and optimisation specialists, fluid dynamists, mechanical, structural and composite engineers together with control strategy and system specialists.
D-ICE Engineering (France) – focusing on scientific challenges about hydrodynamics, optimization, control and data science. Developing solutions for decarbonizing the shipping industry and producing clean energy.
23 August – Aug/Sep 2020 (Print edition] – SAIL Magazine article – Green is the New Black: In response to demands to reduce emissions, the shipping industry is reconsidering wind power. Download Article PDF GreenistheNewBlack – SAIL Magazine Aug-Sep2020
IWSA Event Participation Update (more to come)
Naples Shipping Week – Port&ShippingTech, Main conference of the Naples Shipping Week, 28 Sep – 03 Oct – IWSA presentation on Thu 01 Oct as part of GreenShipping summit
The Maritime Transport Efficiency Conference 2020 , 5-6 Oct at Hotel President Wilson in Geneva, Switzerland. IWSA Presentation scheduled at 11:15 am on Day 1 (5 Oct) “Overview of wind assisted marine projects”
Hiper Conference (DNV-GL host – Cortona, Italy 12-14 Oct) – line up includes IWSA members and presentations on wind propulsion– Econowind, Becker Marine Systems, Nayam Wings, and MARIN,
Motorship Propulsion & Future Fuels Conference was originally scheduled for Nov 2020, now postponed to 18-20 May 2021- featuring a wind propulsion panel and technology visit.
SMM 2020 – rescheduled for 2-5 Feb 2021 – IWSA will have a booth at the trade show along with presentation schedule – more details to follow.
20 August: Announcement: Airseas Seawing Design acquires Preliminary Approval from ClassNK – “K”LINE and AIRSEAS have jointly obtained “Approval In Principle (AIP)” from ClassNK in line with with their ‘Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems’ guidelines.
“K”LINE Press release
CLASSNK Press Release
20 August: Press release – Scandlines Ferry & Norsepower Rotor – Ferry Operator & Passengers are Moved by the Wind: Passengers aboard the Scandlines ferry, the MV Copenhagen have been getting a little extra experience for their standard ticket price as people start to emerge from lockdown and start to stretch their legs and commence travelling again. The EU Green Deal aims to lower pollution and carbon levels across Europe and the experience of taking a ferry in part powered by the wind is something quite out of the ordinary, but hopefully not for much longer. [Part of the EU Interreg WASP project]
English PDF
Danish Link
German Link
19 August: Press Release – The Wind of Change – Update of Windship Technology system testing – A new sail power concept being developed by a consortium of key players in the global shipping industry is all set to demonstrate how innovative composite materials are charting new waters.
Enkhuizen Nautical College – New Course on Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion: Modern Developments in Sailing Ships starting in 2021. This module will be part of the ‘Grote Zeilvaart’ (GZV), but will also be a stand-alone course for those interested in learning about new technologies.
Find out more…
Recent articles focusing on the momentum building in the wind propulsion sector & some of the challenges faced:
Decarbonisation – whose risk is it?
Sail Power Enjoys a Second Wind
A Low Carbon Future
Why Wind Works
July 2020
27 July: New Registered Supporter: We are very pleased to welcome the Canard Wingsail team as a new IWSA registered supporter
27 July: Ecoclipper Press Release: Presentation half hull model prototype EcoClipper500
17 July: BBC World Service Program: Underwater sound generated by human activity has been growing hugely over the years, this BBC world service program features three IWSA members, eConowind, MARIN and Smart Green Shipping Alliance talking about wind propulsion as part of the solution to shipping noise.
10 July: Open Consultation: The EU based Waterborne TP project has launched an open consultation on the draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport.We are working with Waterborne and the STEERER project as members of the Green Shipping Expert Group. We urge all IWSA members and supporters to engage with this public consultation process.
06 July: Anemoi Marine Technologies has released a video of their folding rotor sail system
05 July: New Supporter Announcement: Very pleased to welcome CRODA as a new registered supporter, we are looking forward to working together to further the development of wind propulsion solutions.
01 July: Article: Go(ne)ing with the Wind: 40 ships to have wind propulsion installed by the end of 2022.
June 2020
30 June: International Green Shipping and Technology Summit | Online Webinar: Presentation & Panel Discussion – Wind Propulsion & Environmental Challenges for Shipping.
29 June: Wind Propulsion seminar at European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF): IWSA overview of developments in the market and latest installations + Update of WASP project. ABS, MARIN presenting on WiSP and Dykstra Naval Architects presentation on design challenges and technologies.
29 June Announcement: Agreement to install two of Norsepower’s largest Rotor Sails (35m) on board SEA-CARGOs SC Connector, a sidedoor Ro-Ro in Q4, 2020. The agreement also heralds the installation of the world’s first tiltable Rotor Sail enabling them to tilt to almost horizontal when required. The SC Connector is a 12,251 GT Ro-Ro cargo vessel operating in the North Sea.
This installation will be the fifth installation for Norsepower’s Rotor Sail and will bring the fleet of flettner rotor vessels to nine vessels, with 18 rotors installed by the end of the year.
Read Press Release
29 June: EU European Sustainable Shipping Forum (DG Move: ESSF): Ship Efficiency & Alternative Propulsion Subgroups – Wind Propulsion Presentations: IWSA, MARIN, ABS (WiSP project) & Dykstra
25 June: Out On The Pull: Making Wind Assistance Work
25 June: Article: Wind Above: What Goes On Below?
15-17 June: INNOV’SAIL 2020: Thank you to all of the organising team, Chalmers University for hosting the conference and to all of the presenters and panellists. We heard a lot of excellent papers over the three days on both yacht design and wind propulsion for commercial ships and IWSA looks to further discussions and cross-fertilisation of ideas, design concepts, performance assessment etc. NOTE: The conference proceedings are now available for all attendees along with recorded presentations, including the IWSA overview of wind propulsion in commercial shipping.
16 June: Asia Clean Energy Forum (Asia Development Bank): Panel: Economy-wise Energy Evolution – Wind Propulsion in Shipping, Use of Direct, Primary Renewable Energy
12 June: Newsletter: Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) – EU Interreg North Sea Region Project Read online Download PDF
03 June: New Members & Supporters Announcement: Very pleased to welcome a number of new members and registered supporters to IWSA, we are looking forward to working together to further the development of wind propulsion solutions.
Advanced Wing Systems (Australia) – Full Member
Enkhuizen Nautical College (Netherlands) – Associate Member
XP Sea (France) – Registered Supporter
Times Up (Austria) – Registered Supporter
01 June: Wind Propulsion Guidelines: Official Release of American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Guide for Wind Assisted Propulsion System Installation Download
May 2020
28 May: Natural Propulsion Seminar – Thank you to MARIN for arranging the 8th Natural Propulsion Seminar as part of the annual Blueweek conference, while this was moved to an online event, the quality of presentations was maintained, and IWSA Secretary General moderated the Q&A and discussion sessions. Also an initial presentation of the Wind Propulsion Accelerator project, with more details to follow.
Links to presentation papers will be released shortly.
28 May: IWSA Annual General Meeting: Thank you to the over 30 IWSA members that joined us for the first online AGM on Thursday morning. We had a very successful meeting, with a clear pathway forward for wind propulsion developments and IWSA Secretary General stated: “The key message that is coming out of the market continues to be for the wind propulsion segment to deliver the projects and technology, conclude the sea trials and get verified fuel saving results and we will invest.” adding that; “…securing the place for wind propulsion in the maritime decarbonisation strategy going forward is of primary concern and we feel that the association is well placed to bring about that change this year.”
26 May: New Rotor sail Installation: Norsepower Rotor Sail installation completed on Scandlines hybrid ferry M/V Copenhagen in just a few hours. A Large 30m tall Rotor Sail, fitted in the port of Rostock overnight as part of the EU Interreg North Sea Region funded WASP project, and the rotor sail is predicted to reduce emissions by an estimated 4-5 percent. Read more
26 May: WiSP Project – Update meeting as part of Blueweek – Great to hear more progress is being made on validation and prediction work packages along with regulatory issues and looking forward to engaging with dissemination activities after the Summer.
26 May: INNOV’SAIL 2020 Conference – Registration is open. During the three days of the conference, 15-17 June 2020, there is a unique opportunity to see the most recent research in sailing – both competitive and commercial. World-leading experts in the field will present 29 papers on their research, and there will be two invited presentations. Areas covered include the whole spectrum of topics, from fundamental fluid dynamics – How is lift generated on a sail? – to performance prediction for sailing yachts and the Energy Return on Investment (EROI) of wind-powered ships. The social interaction is very important, and we have made sure that you, despite us meeting online, will have the opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas with inspiring colleagues and companies. The INNOV´SAIL 2020 B2Match platform is the place where we connect and book individual virtual meetings during the three days of the conference. The sign up for your profile will be done easily through the link you receive when your registration for the conference is completed.
Note also that immediately following the scientific sessions there will be brief presentations by some of the most important companies in the field.
If you have not yet registered, please do so at the conference web site: The registration at the nominal fee closes on 1 June. After that, registration is still possible, but at twice the nominal fee.
25 May: New Member Announcement: We would like to welcome Japanese shipping company “K” Line to IWSA. We look forward to working together to bring wind propulsion solutions into the main stream of commercial shipping.
Download Press Release – The ‘New Normal’ in Shipping, “K” LINE signals the way forward for Decarbonisation
10 May: Article – A Hard Wind: Fathom World editorial director Craig Eason spoke to three of the new entrants to the club, BAR Technologies, BlueWASP and Airseas about the need for a holistic picture when it comes to ship and sail.
08 May: Article – Back to the Future: Wind Power Could Cut Shipping’s CO2 Emissions
05 May: Tendering Call open for the small vessel Cerulean Project.
This call comes from the team at the Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport at the University of the South Pacific, IWSA members. The USP Procurement Office has posted the approved tender documents for the Cerulean Project Preliminary Design and Costing contract, which can be found here:
There’s a brief registration process for prospective suppliers through USP’s tender portal, but it’s straightforward and takes less than five minutes.
Call deadline is 02 June, 2020
If you have any follow up questions please contact: Andrew Irvin,
Project Officer – Project Cerulean, Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport
April 2020
28 April – International Windship Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)will be held in the morning of Thursday 28 May 2020, 0800-1100 (UK) 0900-1200 (EU). The Executive committee has decided to hold this online, due to the exceptional circumstances we find ourselves under with the Coronavirus restrictions in place. The event does however remain linked to the Blueweek events, hosted by our member MARIN, specifically the Natural Propulsion Seminar which will follow (also online) in the afternoon the same day – registration for the reduced online seminar will be available soon
All IWSA full and associate members and our registered supporters are invited to attend and links to the online forum will be sent out two weeks before the meeting along with the updated agenda and proposals. The AGM will take be in two parts, with the formal session in the first half of the meeting time followed by a discussion forum in the second half.
24 April: The International WindShip Association (IWSA) and the French Association Wind Ship (APTMD-IWSA) presented a joint submission to comment on the FuelEU Maritime Initiative. Although this initiative seems really relevant, we are concerned about the absence of an important source of renewable energy and of the technologies which allow it to be exploited: WIND!!
CO2 emissions from shipping – encouraging the use of low-carbon fuels – FuelEU Initiative
Download Page: IWSA Feedback Submission
IWSA Newsletter Back Issues
Download several back issues of the IWSA newsletter, if you would like a copy of the latest newsletter, April 2020 or more recent back issues – please send your request to
JULY 2019 Newsletter: IWSA Jul 2019 Newsletter – Summary
FEBRUARY 2019 Newsletter: IWSA Feb 2019 Newsletter – Summary
OCTOBER 2018 Newsletter: IWSA Oct 2018 Newsletter – Summary
22 April – New Wind Propulsion Article: Drydock Magazine – The Power of Wind
22 April – Announcement: Amplifier, BAR Technologies and Reederei Nord announced a partnership to develop the final phase of maturing and adapting BAR Technologies’ patented WindWings technology. Read more
21 April – Emergency Funding for Developing World Seafarers crowdfunding campaign – update press release – funds reaching seafarers developing world seafarers who have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. All proceeds go to the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), a UK registered charity, and dispersed through their Seafarers Emergency Fund (SEF).
Supported by ISWAN, World Ocean Council, NAMEPA, The Nautical Institute, Green Marine and IWSA Press Release – Unseen Unsung Everyday Heroes – 21Apr2020
20 April – Latest IWSA Newsletter Released – if you want to know which way the wind is blowing request your free copy – send your request to
If you would like to receive the full newsletter and other benefits, then these are available to our registered supporters and associate members, please ask for further details.
20 April – Aronnax Podcasts hosted by Craig Eason, Fathom World. Check out the interviews with leading pioneers in the wind propulsion world and IWSA Secretary General.
Listen to episodes:
Wind One: Craig Eason, Editorial Director at Fathom World spoke to to the Secretary General of the International Windship Association, Gavin Allwright about the recent developments and the association members believes in a new future of windpower, as well as to a Danish entrepreneur Brian Boserup (Blue Technology) who is developing a giant trimaran cargo vessel that’s bigger than a Boeing 747.
Wind Two: The second in the series looking at the new wave of wind propulsion systems for shipping. Fathom World editorial director talks to co-owner Frank Nieuwenhuis and technical director and system inventor Guus van der Bles from Dutch solution provider Econowind, about the system , its abilities and how they see wind solutions being used in a decarbonised shipping industry.
17 April – Interview with Nicolas Abiven, Chantiers de l’Atlantique and IWSA Executive Committee member talking about the development of their Solid Sail system
Also watch the Silenseas Youtube Video
16 April – Ventifoil wind-assist system on board the MV Ankie: A time lapse video of the wind-assist eConowind ventifoil installation on board the Van Dam Shipping MV Ankie, a 3,600DWT general cargo vessel operating in the North Sea. The installation was made as part of the Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) project, funded by the Interreg North Sea Europe program, part of the European Regional Development Fund Van Dam Shipping
08 April – Welcome to New Member – Blue Wasp
Blue Wasp is an engineering consultancy specialized in wind-assisted ship propulsion. We offer expert and independent technical advice to shipowners, shipyards/designers, technology providers and any other stakeholder of the shipping industry interested in exploiting the economic and environmental benefits that wind-assist offers.
07 April – International Wind Propulsion for Shipping Forum Report – the forum was held in March and now the Full Summary Report Available for Download International Wind Propulsion for Shipping Forum – Full Report
06 April – Emergency Funding for Developing World Seafarers crowdfunding campaign launched to raise funds to provide Emergency Support for developing world seafarers who have been severely impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. All proceeds go to the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), a UK registered charity, and dispersed through their Seafarers Emergency Fund (SEF).
Supported by ISWAN, World Ocean Council, NAMEPA, The Nautical Institute, Green Marine and IWSA
01 April – Press Release: Boomsma Shipping eSigns contract with eConowind for latest VentiFoil Installation Press Release – Boomsma_Ventifoil_Instalation_Contract 01Apr2020
Congratulations to the Boomsma Shipping team and eConowind and we are looking forward to the installation announcement, the second one under the EU Interreg WASP project
March 2020
28 March: Announcement – With all of the disruption and restrictions in place worldwide for containing the Corona virus pandemic, the IWSA Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online this year. Further details will follow shortly.
17 March: DNV-GL: Wind-assisted propulsion can cut fuel costs and emissions: IMO’s decarbonization plans are making wind propulsion attractive again. Advanced aerodynamics science in combination with computer technology has produced a number of technologies that do not require large crews and have demonstrated significant potential.
11 March – GST 2020 – Quite a number of IWSA members made presentations on their wind propulsion projects at the conference. Even with depleted numbers due to the COVID19 situation there was a fairly large audience. Presentations made by Airseas, eConowind and Nayam Wings. Also the IWSA SG delivered a short round-up of the previous day’s wind propulsion forum and delivered IWSA’s perspective on decarbonisation of the industry and the critical and central role that wind propulsion solutions has in the transformation.
10 March – International Wind Propulsion for Shipping Forum – A big thank you to the keynote speaker, Christian Baekmark Schiolborg, Manager of Maritime Technology and Regulation at BIMCO ,all of the presenters, panellists and attendees. A day spent exploring the development of wind propulsion solutions, from finance to technical issues, regulatory, policy, projects and the future. Download: Press Release – International Wind Propulsion Forum
Presenters, Panellists & Projects
BIMCO Hamburg School of Business Administration HHx.Blue
Norsepower Oy eConowind Wind+Wing Technologies
Airseas AYRO Maersk Tankers A/S Van Dam Shipping
Sail Cargo Inc. (SV Ceiba) Schormanns Maritima (SS Eileen)
Celtic Cruises Ltd. (SV Lo Entropy) SSPA Kuhne Logistics University (KLU)
MARIN Blue Technology
ClassNK guidelines downloadable from
DNV-GL guidelines
WASP (Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion) project
WiSP project
IMO MEPC Submission by the Comoros flag MEPC75 Inf.26
04 March – Article: Wind-Assisted Propulsion Technologies Enter Mainstream (The Motorship) – Engine designers and other OEMs are following the rapid development of wind-assisted technologies, while naval architects are looking at optimising ship designs
04 March – Dasivedo Design – designers of the Tig Rig System launches a month-long crowdfunding campaign.
03 March – Press release – Windship Technology: Further testing confirms at least 30% annual fuel and emissions saving for commercial shipping.
New Member: Becker Marine Systems – Delighted to welcome BMS aboard the International Windship Association with the introduction of their Wingsail Project. Read More:
Press Release: 2020-03-02 Press Release Becker Marine & IWSA
03 March: Windship Technology Announcement: Further testing confirms at least 30% annual fuel and emissions saving for commercial shipping.
Read More:
01 March – Hansa International Maritime Journal – Interview with IWSA SG: IWSA – Up to 10,700 wind systems until 2030 Wind propulsion of modern cargo vessels has become a viable option for shipowners as many solutions have neared the commercial stage. Hansa talked to Gavin Allwright, Secretary of the International Windship Association (IWSA), about the market.
February 2020
28 February: Announcement – Blue Technology: Joint Industry Project Proposal and approaching potential project partners, with the aim to have a zero emission demonstrator ready by 2022.
25 February: Article: A partnership between NAPA and C-Job Naval Architects is studying the applications of wind-assisted propulsion using voyage optimisation software a key requirement to getting the most out of wind propulsion and delivering the upper end of the potential for these technologies.
25 February – UNCTAD Article: Small islands with a strong voice: Why Pacific Islands are playing a critical role in the current shipping decarbonization debate
by IWSA member Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport (MCST).
24 February – IMO Secretary General Mr. Kitack Lim at European Shipping Week in Brussels backs more development of wind propulsion – he stressed need for urgent action on emissions and the “urgent need” to develop concrete measures to support IMO’s initial strategy to reduce GHG emissions from shipping. He supported ambitious regulatory targets that will act as catalysts for technology, triggering research, development and innovation. He stated: “Zero emission shipping requires the development, widespread availability and affordability of new zero-carbon marine fuels or propulsion technologies, such as renewable hydrogen, ammonia or wind propulsion.”
22 February – Wind Propulsion on Al Jazeera program: Counting the Costs
Short interview talking shipping pollution and wind propulsion’s solution’s potential – starts at 16:30 mins
21 February: Research Article: Will Sails of Steel Make Ships More Sustainable – research article from TU Delft, article by Science editor Jos Wassink
20 February – Safety4Sea London Forum Presentation – IWSA Secretary General short update presentation on wind propulsion progress in 2019-2020
19 February: The Engineer – Article: The rise of the wind ships
Could a new generation of innovative propulsion technologies that harness the power of the wind help the shipping industry clean up its act?
14 February: IMO MEPC 75 Submission – Wind Propulsion Information Paper
Very pleased to announce that the wind propulsion info paper submitted by the Comoros flag has been accepted as MEPC75 Inf.26 and is now available to all delegates and is also publicly available through IMO docs and a pdf copy can be downloaded here too. MEPC 75-INF.26 – Wind propulsion solutions (Comoros) (1)
The Executive Summary reads: “The decarbonization of shipping is the defining issue of the coming decade; however, currently, one of the leading decarbonization technologies, direct wind propulsion, is receiving only very limited consideration in this critical debate over the future of shipping. Direct thrust from wind propulsion technologies offers a technically and commercially viable near-term solution that can already save 5% to 20% of fuel and associated emissions as wind assistance, with the potential for much higher benefits as the technology develops or is deployed on optimized newbuild ships. Wind solutions are cost-effective, do not depend on alterations to port infrastructure and ensure shipowners have improved operational autonomy in mitigating the risks and uncertainties of being commercially dependent on the unknown cost and availability of alternative fuels. Therefore, the adoption of wind solutions will greatly assist the global fleet in reducing net emissions in the short-term, reducing the carbon intensity of the whole fleet, and better enable to meet IMO GHG reduction targets.”
NOTE: Further more technical submissions will be made at subsequent IMO MEPC sessions so that remaining barriers and challenges can be tackled effectively and a level-playing field put in place that fully values the substantial propulsion contribution delivered by wind propulsion solutions.
12 February: Safety4Sea London Forum: IWSA Secretary general presentation on wind propulsion progress over the last 12 months and future development. The 2nd SAFETY4SEA London Forum is scheduled as a full day event (09:00 to 17:00) on Wednesday 12th of February 2020 at the Hellenic Centre, London UK. IWSA official supporting organisation: Free to Attend – Register Here:
STEERER (Structuring Towards Zero Emission Waterborne Transport) launched in Dec 2019 will coordinate the establishment and communication of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and an Implementation Plan towards zero-emission waterborne transport, in cooperation with all key stakeholders needed to facilitate the transformation to clean waterborne transport. In the definition of STEERER, as well as cutting greenhouse gas emissions, all harmful environmental emissions, water pollution and noise emissions have to be eliminated. STEERER’s mission is to bring the various initiatives and sectors’ stakeholders together to join forces for a combined effort with the maximum impact for the climate, people’s health and Europe’s economy.
STEERER is funded by the European Commission research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, with an investment of 1,5 million euro over the course of 30 months, Launched in December 2019. Read more: STEERER_DESCRIPTION
06 February – eConowind: In cooperation with Conoship International the first fixed line-up Ventifoil placed on the Ankie Scheepvaart bedrijf van Dam. With this auxiliary propulsion, a proposed fuel saving of 1000 litres per day can be achieved. This installation is part of the EU Intereg WASP project.
05 February – Interview [Part Two] The Future of Wind Propulsion Solutions – Adoption & Finance – Gavin Allwright, IWSA Secretary general
04 February – The Sogestran group announces its decision to take a stake into the capital of the young shipowner NEOLINE. The Sogestran group, together with its subsidiary COMPAGNIE MARITIME NANTAISE – MN, will accompany NEOLINE in financing its first ships and in setting up the pilot line.
PressRelease_NEOLINE_SOGESTRAN MARITIME NANTAISE_ecological_transition_maritime_transport_04022020
Communiqué_NEOLINE_SOGESTRAN MN_transition_energetique_transport_maritime_04022020
04 February – EDF and NEOLINE signed a specific agreement for the issue of Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) which confirms and enhances the high environmental performance of the young owner’s future commercial sailing vessels.
03 February – Interview [Part One] The Future of Wind Propulsion Solutions – challenges, technology and trends – Gavin Allwright, IWSA Secretary general
January 2020
28 January – Welcome to our new Associate Member, the classification society ClassNK. Over the last few years ClassNK has identified and supported the development of wind propulsion technologies as an important contribution to the mix of technologies required for decarbonising the fleet and in September last year, the classification society released its well-received “Guidelines for Wind-Assisted Propulsion Systems for Ships”. We are looking forward to working with the ClassNK team in supporting the exciting development of the wind propulsion segment.
Press Release – ClassNK joins IWSA – 28Jan2020 & Graphics
Register Now!
11-12 March – Green Ship Technology (Copenhagen) Denmark is the place where you will meet these stakeholders and gain unrivalled access to influential policy makers, innovators and trailblazers.
All IWSA members are eligible to receive 20% off all delegate passes! Plus, if you book before this Friday (17 January) you will benefit from the early bird rates in addition to the 20% saving.
Simply quote ‘FKT3642WS’ at the checkout or view this link where the discount will be automatically applied.
Agenda highlights:
Benefit from critical insight into commercial issues for managing the move towards a zero-emission future:
• Hear from a leading shipowners’ association on the impact of IMO 2020 sulphur cap after almost 3 months in operation – Anne H Steffensen, Director General, Danish Shipping
• Understand the aims and objectives of the Getting to Zero Coalition – Johanna Christensen,
Managing Director, Projects and Programmes, Global Maritime Forum
• Debate the issues of green financing for shipowners and green tech providers – D Michael Adams, President, Oceans Assets Institute
Focus on available technologies, efficiency management, hybrid solutions and future technologies:
• Understanding a holistic approach to incorporating technology across a world fleet
• What will the ship of 2030 and 2050 look like? – Christophe Tygat, Secretary General, CESA
The full speaker list and agenda are available to view online.
10 March – International Wind Propulsion for Shipping Forum [GST2020] – Held in association with IWSA. With the options for wind propulsion systems expanding rapidly, this one-day forum will be the one-stop shop for discovering the real state of the market. Supported by the IWSA, the programme will examine financing and pathways to market; developing the technology, retrofitting challenges and operational solutions onboard; class society guidelines for safe operations; shipowners’ experiences and expectations; presentations of new technologies on the horizon with a look into the future. View agenda. Claim your 20% off now and book online.