Promoting the use of wind propulsion by ships and small vessels to reduce fuel consumption and decrease climate change related emissions.
The International Windship Association (IWSA) is a not-for-profit, membership association that facilitates and promotes wind propulsion for commercial shipping. We bring together all required parties to shape industry and policies to support the development of a wind-ship sector.
Building a holistic, energy centric approach at International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the European Union (EU) and national policy levels. Integrating zero-emissions, zero-cost wind propulsion into all policy pathways is vital to deliver a sustainable, equitable and profitable future global shipping fleet.
Key Advocacy Support Themes
- High ambition zero-emissions platform for all policy measures, not solely direct GHG emissions.
- Circular distribution of revenue from economic measures to fund energy transition technology and solution scaling.
- Adopt a energy-centric rather than narrow fuel-centric approach.
- Fully energy and technology agnostic, level playing field.
- Integration of direct wind propulsion into all policy, including carbon intensity measurements and economic measures.
- Support for a ‘Just’ and ‘Equitable’ transition for SIDS and LDCs

Grouping like-minded organisations and individuals to share ideas, skills, and technical know-how for the development of the future fleet of commercial wind ships both retrofit and newbuild.

Promoting the economic value, investment opportunities and policy compliance contribution of wind propulsion for the shipping industry, cargo owners, ports and job creation.

Delivering a central information hub on the wind propulsion sector, for ship owners and operators, shipyards, ports, governments, equipment producers, the media, NGOs, and the wider public.

Securing funding streams, generating project collaboration, supporting grant applications, coordinating research and the pooling of resources to further build out the wind propulsion sector.
Decade of Wind Propulsion
The Decade of Wind Propulsion 2021-2030 has been announced by over 150 leading companies, experts and supporters and is a declaration of intent from this growing technology segment of commercial shipping to Deliver, Optimise and Facilitate the decarbonisation of the current fleet and the vessels of the future
Our Members
IWSA is a member driven, not-for-profit association made up of wind propulsion technology suppliers and ship development projects, shipping lines, shipbuilders, designers, naval architects, engineers, academics, NGOs, and Class societies.
It’s a Renewable
Energy Source
- Abundant Energy Supply
- Available Worldwide Today Zero Emissions Energy
- Delivered at No Cost
- Delivered Directly to Point-of-Use
- No New Infrastructure Required
Wind Propulsion Technology
is Mature and Proven
- Propulsion not Energy Efficiency
- Wind-Assist & Primary Mover
- Retrofits = 5-20% Propulsive Energy
- Optimised Wind-Assist = up to 30%
- Primary Wind New Builds = 50%++
- Retractable, Automated, Certified
The Economics
of Wind Make Sense
- Energy Cost Fixed at Zero
- Technology Available Today
- Applicable Across the Fleet
- Robust Pipeline of Tech & Projects
- Operational Changes Boost Wind
- Predictable: Weather Routing/Forecast
There are already 48 large ocean-going vessels with wind-assist systems installed, with over 80 rigs and equalling three million dwt of shipping. There are also nine wind-ready vessels and 24 more pending installations and primary wind newbuilds underway along with a further 20+ smaller sail cargo and small cruise vessels using wind. Together, that is more than all the large ships currently operating using new low- and zero-emissions fuels combined.
GAVIN ALLWRIGHT, Seceretary General IWSA
Maritime Decarbonisation, Europe
24-25 September – Maritime Decarbonisation, Europe: Conference, Awards & Exhibition 2024
Join leading players in the maritime world sharing their experiences and lessons learned to date as they continue their decarbonisation journey. This event will showcase new thinking on how to innovate and scale-up initiatives to achieve the necessary pace of the energy transition.
Hear from charterers, ship owners/operators, fuel suppliers, regulators, NGOs, and suppliers on:
– Life cycle costs for different decarbonisation pathways
– The real-world results of performance improvement solutions
– New models for alternative fuel supply agreements
– The latest e-fuel volume and pricing forecasts
Green Shiptech China Congress 2024
26-27 September – 13th Annual Global Event- Green Shiptech China Congress 2024, Shanghai – IWSA Official Supporting OrganisationGreen Shiptech China Congress (GSCC) is the annual conference hosted by Ridge China. For the past 12 years of the yearly GSCC, more than 4000 experts and decision makers from global governments, classification societies, shipowners, shipyards, research institutes, technology/equipment suppliers and consulting companies have had in–depth discussion and communication on the current issues of IMO, European Commission, U.S. Coast Guard and China MSA’s policies and regulations, designs and standards for new ship models, innovative and sustainable green ship technologies through this international platform of this annual event Green Shiptech China Congress. Read more…
8-10 October – AntwerpXL – Break bulk, Belgium – IWSA supporting organisation
AXL, the award-winning breakbulk and heavy-lift event, is returning for its fourth edition from 08 – 10 October 2024 at Antwerp Expo, Belgium. Hosted at the heart of the European breakbulk market, AXL is dedicated to providing a platform for the breakbulk, RoRo, heavy lift and project cargo industry to create valuable connections and unforgettable experiences. With a focus on providing a quality focused environment for the industry, AXL ensures you create meaningful relationships that can make transporting breakbulk easier, faster and less hassle for you and your projects. Read more…
Wind Propulsion 2024
22-23 October – Wind Propulsion 2024 – Royal Institution of Naval Architects in association with IWSA Conference held at IMO Headquarters, London
Two days packed with presentations and discussions relating to wind propulsion. The 2024 conference agenda promises to bring those attending fully up to speed with recent technological, design and policy developments, and cast the minds of attendees into the future landscape for wind propulsion technology.
Sponsored by bound4Blue and Vaisala
Get in touch
If you would like to find out more about the International Windship Association, please drop us an email
Contact Us
International Windship Association
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden
WC2H 9JQ, England